What is Energy Clearing?

Energy Clearing - Personal
Energy clearing for individuals

Energy Clearing - Business
Energy clearing for business
"I started working with Louise when I was hitting blocks with my businesses, and also for some personal support. I initially spoke to Louise on the phone to share where I was, and the areas that needed clearing. I then shared the specific issues with my business including lots of details about the businesses I interact with, property investments, addresses, and all the people and teams involved.
In the personal guidance and support sessions I shared where I was in my personal life and the various challenges I was facing. Louise worked with me on my consciousness, on what I was holding in mind and giving attention to, and this was pivotal to turning situations around.
Louise went to work covering each area one by one, and as she worked on each area things started to improve. Some improvement was immediate, and some areas gradually improved over time. If I look back now to where I was 6 months ago when I started working with Louise, things have altered dramatically. My main business is thriving, property investment issues are resolving, and personally I feel in a much happier place where I am manifesting freely.
If you have found Louise you are very blessed, and I would highly recommend working with her."