Globally accessible services with Louise Smart CThA
By Zoom, Skype or phone. Also face to face sessions by appointment and retreats in Looe Cornwall
I have over 28 years clinical, corporate and holistic experience including lecturing and consulting in Emotional Detox and energy clearing at Grayshott Spa UK, consulting at the Stress Management unit at London Bridge Hospital and presenting stress management programs for Central Law Training Ltd. I am now accessible to clients worldwide with a full range of online services and programs. I have worked successfully online with clients for over 8 years which has meant freedom to help people despite Covid restrictions.
My approach to helping you
As someone who has been impacting people's practical day to day lives for 28 years, I've seen a lot of clients who have sought me out having come away from conventional counselling, the talking cure, maybe more self-aware, but disappointed they don't actually feel better. It's often because they haven't addressed the patterns and blocks that are deeply rooted in their energy circuitry affecting all aspects of their being - not just their mind, or emotions or body. I expect you can recall being mentally anxious or emotionally upset and unable to sleep? You certainly felt the distress in your body - in the knot in your stomach, in the fatigue and heaviness that robbed you of emotional stability and mental clarity, perspective, confidence or motivation.
All aspects of our entire being are interdependent. So my approach is altogether more holistic, complete, energetic and direct. I work with the intelligence of your interconnecting physical, mental, emotional and core soul energies as a whole. I use precise energy tools and a refined skill set that gets to the root cause of complex or historic problems quickly, restores harmony and helps you manage challenges in a way that transforms you and brings profound lasting change.
You can have one-to-one sessions as part of a personally tailored program with the option of additional energy clearing to support your healing. And if you want the main focus to be on energy clearing, for you, your family, home, property or business you will find a range of packages here.
What you want and need
See menu above for different services
My services are for people like you who want what I call “inner wealth”, a rich sense of fulfilment to be as much a part of your reality as material comfort, health and success however you might define it. You want a way to be free of any trauma or wounding in your past and the energies that sabotage your family, work life, relationships and health. Instead of feeling stressed or emotionally heavy so much of the time, you want to master your emotions and your energy and call on your power to overcome setbacks, disappointments and devastating losses.
You need someone real who can truly listen, support, honor and guide you without judgement when:
- you are feeling stuck or trapped or can't see a way forward;
- you are going through devastating loss, crisis, disappointment or health problems;
- your work, business or corporate life doesn't give you the satisfaction you seek or the freedom to be YOU;
- your workload leaves you no time or energy to let go and enjoy the life you are working so hard to pay for;
- you keep being knocked backwards by conflict, judgement or limitations;
- you crave purpose and meaning and a deeper spiritual connection;
- you keep attracting or are attracted to partners who make you feel insecure or leave you;
- you have perhaps outgrown your marriage or partnership and it is painful to confront or move on;
- you feel resentful, unloved and unsupported - it feels like everything is on your shoulders;
- you are undervaluing yourself, you always second guess yourself and still try to win approval from colleagues, boss, partner, relatives, your social circle;
- you are putting on a show of being positive - but inside you feel empty, lost, confused, frustrated, angry or guilty;
- you have been working with a coach, therapist or spiritual mentor but you still feel held back inside yourself, can't seem to sort yourself out or make your life work for you.
What I will do for you
I will help you in 2 powerful ways with One to One sessions and Energy Clearing
You can choose to have either or both
ONE TO ONE SESSIONS - by Zoom, Skype Phone or Face to Face:
All types of one to one sessions are uniquely tailored to YOU and will involve the relief of strain or stress and uncomfortable feelings and helping you evolve your perspective and really learn what you need to know so you can move forward and not repeat any negative patterns. I will also create unique personalized energy healing sequences for you which are recorded for ongoing practice and to help you integrate new ways of being. I connect you to deeper levels of your heart wisdom, to your soul and help you gain understanding and mastery especially around loss and the things that won't work on your terms. This is how you move very quickly from “why don't things work out” to “Ah now I get it... now and I can move forward ......big old spiritual detox!”
You can have energy clearing as part of your tailored package or choose from a range of energy clearing packages. Energy clearing is super convenient and fast . Instead of a heavy bout of therapy or raking over the past to get to the root cause of your problems, you carry on life as normal whilst I remotely research and then clear the invisible energy blocks, the binding forces that keep you locked up and stuck with thinking, feeling and doing the same things and getting the same old results. Tangible vitality, positivity, clarity and a lot more besides, can LITERALLY drop into your reality and life just flows in a completely new way. Besides personal energy and tricky relationship dynamics, I can clear your homes, businesses and pets and boost your energy for important occasions like an interview, presentation or a date. There are options for feedback from the energy research and clearing where I give valuable guidance for taking any necessary action.
Contact and Free Connect Call
If you are resonating with me here, the best way forward is to call me or schedule a free connect call and you can tell me about what you want help with and I can advise on what you need to get you the results you want.
My warmest wishes
Louise Smart CThA